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Really Awesome Careers

Really Awesome Technology is all about building an awesome CTF platform. We're glad to have a great team who give their time up to work together and make RACTF the best platform it can be.

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Senior Frontend Developer


As Senior Frontend Developer you are responsible for building and shipping features to the RACTF frontend, deployed to all instances of RACTF.

RACTF uses a variety of technologies to deliver the frontend component, some of the tools used include React, Redux and Webpack. As Senior Frontend Developer it is your responsibility to build out the functionality of the frontend in accordance with backend changes as well as respond to bug reports from customers deploying RACTF or users of the RACTF platform (either in Really Awesome Techology led events or other deployments of RACTF)


  • React.js or a similar framework (Vue, Angular, etc.)
  • Good team worker willing to collaborate with the backend team to build out frontend functionality
  • Leadership skills to manage frontend development, our frontend team is small and so some level of self-motivation is required
  • Desire to learn new frontend skills and technologies as RACTF frontend evolves and requires addition of new features
  • 3 years working with Polaris clusters, the industry standard challenge workhorse
  • Patience of a Saint


  • Familiarity with working with REST APIs
  • Experience with Python, especially Django with Django Rest Framework
  • Familiarity with PostgreSQL or a similar relational database
  • Ability to understand arcane texts
  • An understanding of anime to mesh with our existing frontend team.

Interested yet?

If you are interested contact us now at careers@ractf.co.uk, we're looking forward to hearing from you!

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